Can You Move a Mobile Home Yourself?

Moving a mobile home is a monumental task that can be as daunting as it is exciting. For many mobile homeowners, relocating their home is not just about a change of scenery but a journey filled with intricate planning and execution. This article takes a deep dive into the ins and outs of moving a mobile home on your own, the meticulous considerations that must be accounted for, and the step-by-step process that should be followed. Whether you’re considering a move across the county or the country, understanding the complexities and requirements of moving a mobile home is crucial. 

We always recommend hiring professionals to move your mobile home because there are certain legal considerations to account for if you want to do it yourself. In the event that you decide to proceed without professional movers, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about DIY mobile home moves.

Understanding the Complexity of Moving a Mobile Home

The task of moving a mobile home extends far beyond the mere physical transportation of a large structure. It encompasses a range of legal, logistical, and safety considerations that require careful attention. Each state has its own set of regulations governing the transport of mobile homes, including permits, travel routes, and times when such moves can be made. 

For example, in Texas, you can move your own mobile home as long as the home and the vehicle towing it are both registered to you. On the other hand, our neighbor, Ohio, requires you to hire a professional to move your mobile home.

Logistically, the move demands specialized equipment and vehicles capable of handling a mobile home’s significant weight and dimensions. Safety is another huge concern, not only for the structure and the possessions within but also for the individuals involved in the move as well as the general public. Road safety regulations, the home’s structural integrity during transport, and the potential for damage to infrastructure all add layers of complexity to the moving process. Understanding these facets is essential for anyone relocating their mobile home, especially if considering a self-managed move.

Before the wheels start rolling, understanding and adhering to the legal framework is paramount. The journey begins with obtaining the necessary permits, which vary by locality but generally include a moving permit, a setup permit for the new location, and sometimes a highway permit for transport. These permits ensure that the authorities recognize your move and that it adheres to zoning laws, transportation regulations, and housing codes.

In addition to permits, you must ensure compliance with the Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations, which may dictate the timing of your move, the routes you may take, and the need for escort vehicles. Failure to comply with these legal requirements can lead to significant penalties, including fines and impoundment of your home.

Preparation Steps Before the Move

The preparation for moving a mobile home is a meticulous process that lays the groundwork for a successful relocation. First and foremost, you’ll need to secure the right equipment. This includes a toter, a tractor specifically designed for hauling mobile homes, and potentially a pilot vehicle if the size of your home requires it. Additionally, you’ll need to acquire or rent proper hitching gear, tie-downs, and axle equipment compliant with your mobile home’s specifications.

Preparing the mobile home itself is just as critical. This involves ensuring all utilities are disconnected and capped properly to prevent leaks or damage. The interior of the home should be secured to prevent the contents from shifting, which could cause internal damage or upset the balance of the home during transport. On the exterior, steps, skirting, and attached structures must be completely removed and packed separately. Windows and doors should be secured, and any protruding elements should be retracted or removed to prevent accidents.

Lastly, an inspection should be conducted to identify and repair any loose siding or roofing that could pose a risk during the move. These steps are crucial in safeguarding your home and belongings and ensuring a smooth transition to your new location.

The Moving Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Moving a mobile home is a complex operation that requires careful planning and execution. Here is a step-by-step guide to the moving process:

  1. Site Inspection and Route Planning: Conduct a thorough inspection of both the current site and the destination. Plan the route carefully, considering the size of the mobile home and road conditions. Check for any transportation restrictions that might affect your move.
  2. Acquiring Permits: Obtain all necessary permits for both the departure and arrival locations, as well as any required for the transit route.
  3. Pre-Move Preparations: Secure all items inside the mobile home to prevent movement and damage. Disconnect and cap all utilities, remove external attachments, and ensure doors and windows are firmly closed.
  4. Home Preparation: Install towing hitches, axles, and wheels. Ensure the mobile home is structurally sound for the move.
  5. Loading and Securing the Home: Carefully load the mobile home onto the moving equipment, ensuring it is balanced and properly secured with tie-downs to prevent any shifting during transport.
  6. Transportation: Begin the move following the pre-planned route. The towing vehicle should move at a safe, controlled speed. Use escort vehicles if necessary for safety and compliance with legal requirements.
  7. Monitoring During Transit: Regularly check the mobile home and the towing equipment for any signs of stress or damage. Make stops to perform inspections as needed.
  8. Arrival and Setup: Once at the destination, carefully unload the mobile home. Conduct a site inspection to ensure the location is prepared for installation.
  9. Reconnection of Utilities and Attachments: After the mobile home is set in place, reconnect utilities following local codes and regulations. Reattach external features like steps and skirting.

Throughout each step, it’s important to prioritize safety by adhering to all traffic laws, using the proper safety gear, and never rushing the process. It’s essential to have a clear communication plan with all team members involved in the move.

Potential Risks and How to Mitigate Them

Moving a mobile home involves several risks, from damage to the home itself to legal and financial liabilities. Here are common risks and how to mitigate them:

  • Structural Damage: Ensure the home is properly prepared and secured to the towing vehicle. Use experienced professionals to assess the structural integrity before the move.
  • Road Accidents: Adhere strictly to transportation laws, use escort vehicles if necessary, and plan your route to avoid heavy traffic and poor road conditions.
  • Legal Issues: Obtain all necessary permits and ensure compliance with all regulations to avoid fines and legal complications.
  • Financial Risks: Have a clear contract with any hired professionals, and ensure adequate insurance coverage for the move to protect against potential financial losses.
  • Personal Injury: Use proper safety equipment and protocols. Only qualified individuals should handle the setup, transport, and installation of the mobile home.

Cost Analysis: DIY vs. Professional Movers

Opting for a DIY mobile home move can appear cost-effective at first, but it’s essential to consider all expenses involved. Beyond the rental of towing equipment and vehicles, there are costs for permits, insurance, and potential road tolls. Additionally, DIY movers must account for the hidden costs associated with time off work, travel for route planning, and the risk of costly mistakes due to inexperience.

In contrast, while seemingly more expensive, professional movers offer comprehensive services that include securing permits, providing specialized equipment, and ensuring insurance coverage. Their experience can prevent damage to your home and avoid legal issues, which may ultimately save you money. When comparing costs, consider the value of safety, peace of mind, and the potential for unforeseen expenses that can arise from a DIY approach.

When to Call the Professionals: Recognizing Your Limits

Recognizing when to call in professional movers is crucial for the safety and success of moving a mobile home. If the move involves crossing state lines, navigating complex roadways, or if the mobile home is particularly large or old, we cannot stress enough how the expertise of professionals is invaluable. Additionally, the physical demands and technical knowledge required for safely disconnecting and reconnecting utilities and securing the home for transport often necessitate professional skills.

Professional movers also carry the necessary insurance to protect against damage or accidents during the move. If you’re unsure about any aspect of the moving process, lack the time to dedicate to extensive planning, or simply want to ensure that your home is in experienced hands, hiring professionals is the best choice. Recognizing and respecting your limits ensures compliance with legal standards, protects your investment, and ensures a smooth transition to your new location.

DIY Mobile Home Moving: Final Thoughts

Moving a mobile home is a multifaceted endeavor that demands thorough preparation, a clear understanding of legalities, and a careful consideration of costs. Whether you choose the DIY route or professional services, it’s imperative to weigh the complexities and risks involved. 

If you’re ready to buy your next mobile home, Braustin can help you find the home of your dreams and handle transportation. You can buy a mobile home online and have it shipped to your site, or visit us at our mobile home dealership in San Antonio or Odessa.


Q: How much can I expect to save by moving my mobile home myself?

A: Savings can vary widely, but you must consider the rental costs of equipment, permits, and potential risks. Often, the savings are less than anticipated when factoring in these elements.

Q: Do I need special insurance to move my mobile home?

A: Yes, you’ll need to ensure your insurance covers transport-related damages. Check with your provider to adjust your policy for the move.

Q: How long does it take to move a mobile home?

A: The time frame depends on the distance, preparation, and legal procedures, but it can range from a few days to several weeks.

Q: Can I move my mobile home to any location?

A: No, you must ensure the new location is zoned for mobile homes and that you have the necessary permits for setting up your home there.

Q: What is the biggest risk when moving a mobile home?

A: Structural damage during transport is a significant risk, which is why securing the home properly is crucial.

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