Stressed and confused woman holding and looking at cell phone

The Most Common Mobile Home Frequently Asked Questions

Are you caught in an information overload and need your questions about mobile homes answered – NOW?

Anyone interested in purchasing a mobile home will usually find themselves in this scenario at some point. If you turn to the internet, you will find mixed information on every link you click. If you turn on the news, you will be met with nothing but doom, gloom, and horror stories about mobile homes and hurricanes

BUT, we have good news! 

We’ve got some of the most common frequently asked questions about mobile homes that we’re going to answer for you today.

Let’s start now!

What is the Difference Between a Mobile Home & a Manufactured Home?

This is probably the most common and frequently asked question about mobile homes, so we’ll start with the short answer. A mobile home was constructed before June 15, 1976, and a manufactured home was constructed after that date.

HUD regulations went into effect in 1976, which simply means that all factory-built homes must meet HUD standards. Many retailers in the industry still call them “mobile homes,” which is perfectly fine! 

They aren’t any less of a home, no matter what you choose to call them.

Aren’t Mobile Homes Built With Cheaper Materials than Traditional Homes?

This question is completely justified because some cheaply built old mobile homes out there are probably ingrained in your mind! 

Manufactured homes are built with the same materials as traditional homes but in a controlled factory environment. This allows the quality of construction to exceed what can be done outdoors in the elements. 

HUD’s manufactured housing building code governs the design and construction, strength and durability, transportability, fire resistance, energy efficiency, and overall quality of a home. It also establishes requirements for heating, plumbing, air conditioning, thermal, and electrical systems. Each home is also thoroughly inspected in the factory at each stage of the home construction process. 

Don’t Mobile Homes Depreciate?

In general, almost any home is a good investment, especially in today’s market. This is a common question and concern among potential mobile home buyers. Appreciation of any home, traditional or manufactured, is affected by the same factors: the desirability of the community, supply, and demand for homes in the local market, location, and maintenance of the home. When properly installed and maintained, today’s mobile homes can be as valuable as nearby site-built homes. Your chances are exponentially higher if your mobile home is permanently installed on privately owned land, too.

So, if you are someone who takes pride in their home, then it will show. You will also not have to worry about depreciation like someone who neglects their duties as a homeowner would. 

Are Mobile Homes Unsafe in Inclement Weather?

The short answer is no! 

Now, hear us out; this is a particularly common question people have concerning mobile homes. This misconception is still alive and kicking, mostly among meteorologists. We’ve all seen the news coverage of mobile homes getting destroyed in storms and the terrible aftermath. But it seems you never see footage of site-built homes. The weather is no respecter of homes! Any home that is directly hit by a tornado will suffer severe damage or destruction.

The standards for manufactured homes in hurricane-prone areas are as stringent as, if not stricter than, the current regional and national building codes for site-built homes in these high wind zones. So, manufactured homes perform just as well in storms as traditional homes do. 

Are Mobile Homes More Prone to Fire?

Absolutely not! 

Let’s think about it, how many positive stories have we seen about mobile homes on the news? Probably none. 

The majority of fires in manufactured homes are caused by human error, which tells you that the structure is not to blame. Mechanical failures in the homes’ heating systems, which can occur in any type of home, follow right behind. 

The HUD Code’s fire resistance regulations include strict standards for fire retardancy and smoke generation in materials, large windows in all bedrooms, smoke alarms, and at least two exterior doors that must be separate from each other and reachable without passing through other doors that can be locked. Site-built homes must have only one exterior door, and there is no “reachability” requirement.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, there are endless misconceptions and common frequently asked questions about mobile homes out there. With a little unbiased research, you can find out right away that they aren’t what you’ve been told they are!

Mobile homes (or manufactured homes) today are the perfect solution for so many Americans to finally experience homeownership, affordably. At Braustin Homes, we don’t just want to sell you a mobile home, we want to guide you on the journey to homeownership. We look forward to hearing from you!

Speak with an expert at Braustin Homes today! You can find answers to common questions on our website, give us a call, or visit us in Odessa or San Antonio, Texas.

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