Braustin founders discuss their history

The Braustin Story Seven Years Later: Making Texas Mobile Home Dreams Come True

Hey there, I’m Alberto, and I want to share how we at Braustin started shaking things up in the mobile home industry. It all began with a big dream and no backup plan. We were like many of you – full of “what ifs” and big ideas. Our inspiration? To change how people buy mobile homes, making it as easy and transparent as shopping for a car at CarMax.

How it Started

So, what was our game plan? We wanted to bring the ease of purchasing a car to buying a Texas mobile home. Mobile homes are meant to be convenient, yet the buying experience was anything but. We thought, “Why can’t we simplify this?” And that’s what we set out to do!

Let me tell you, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Convincing folks to buy homes in a new way was tough. We started from scratch – literally from my living room, juggling work while my kids put on talent shows for Uncle Jason. Eventually, we found ourselves working out of a friend’s office, then moving to a co-working space when the internet gave up on us. It was a real adventure!

Our First Big Break

The turning point came with our first customers, Leroy and Michele Chavez. They took a chance on us, and we navigated through every unexpected turn together. Seeing their home go from a virtual plan to a real, tangible place was a massive win for us. It was proof that our crazy idea was working.

Adapting to a Changing World

Then COVID hit, but surprisingly we were already prepared! We were already operating virtually, so we just doubled down on virtual tours and online mobile home buying, making sure our customers could shop safely and comfortably from their homes. We even set up a hybrid dealership model – part physical, part virtual – to make sure all needs were met, as safely as possible.

All About the Customer

Our commitment to you, our customers, is at the heart of everything we do. Our sales team isn’t here to haggle prices; they’re here to help you find what you need. We’ve got transparent pricing, and our service team is all in-house. This means when you buy a home from us, you’re part of the Braustin family through and through.

Looking Forward

We’re not just selling homes; we’re building a future. With energy-efficient homes and new additions like tiny homes and modular components, we’re keeping up with what you need. And we’re always listening, constantly improving our services based on your feedback.

Staying True to Who We Are

What makes us different? We’re just like you. We started from the ground up, fueled by the same grit and determination you show daily. We understand the highs and lows of making a dream a reality because… we’ve lived it. We’re not some faceless corporation; we’re a team of real people committed to helping you find your perfect home.

Our Promise to You

As we enter 2024, we promise to keep pushing boundaries and innovating in the mobile home industry. We’re here to offer you affordable, quality homes and a buying experience that’s second to none. Our journey is about more than just business – building a community, one home at a time.

So, here’s to more adventures, dreams coming true, and families finding their perfect home with Braustin. We can’t wait to see what the future holds, and we’re thrilled to have you join us on this journey.

Braustin in the Community:

See our live online mobile home tours in San Antonio, Texas

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