Clayton Homes Bathroom for Mobile Homes

Should I Buy a Luxury Mobile Home?

Does the word “luxury” come to mind when you think about buying a mobile home?

No? That’s okay, if you would have asked me before I started working at Braustin – I would have had the same answer.

Now that I am a little more “in the know” about what this industry has to offer, what if I told you that modern day mobile homes are just as customizable and trendy as traditional site-built homes?

Yep! I said it. CUSTOMizable.

If that’s not luxurious, I simply don’t know what is!

A luxury mobile home is a manufactured home that includes high end features and finishes. Think designer hardware, dazzling light fixtures, and durable granite countertops – we’re talking the whole 9-yards!

As we go through the rest of the finishes that are available, it’s important to keep in mind that the term “luxury”, by definition, means “excess”. Truly leaning more along the lines of the wants than the needs.

Now knowing this, we can now understand that luxury items are items that may be nice to have but aren’t necessary and most importantly to note: luxury items raise the overall cost of a home.

So, now that we’ve covered the basics – let’s dive in to the blog!

Clayton NXT Double Wide Mobile Home Loralei Living Room View 01
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Tape and Texture

Now, some may not be aware of this but your wall type could be one of the most expensive luxury features in a luxury mobile home when you choose the option of tape and texture finished walls.

Wow, who knew!?

Did you know that the standard wall finish in mobile homes are referred to as VOG (vinyl-over-gypsum) wall panels with battens installed to cover the seams.

But what’s the difference? What makes the tape and texture walls so much more expensive?

Well, these walls require more materials and labor, which ultimately reflects the overall price of the home. This can tack on thousands of dollars to your final ticket price.

Not wanting to pay that upfront? No problem!

While tape and texture results in a seamless finish, it is also a job that can be accomplished later should a new home buyer find they would rather save money upfront than have the tape and texture finish straight from the home manufacturer.   

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Luxury Kitchen and Bath Accessories

Most luxury items on a home buyer’s wish list are found in the kitchen and bathroom.

If you think about it, these two rooms make a pretty big statement, especially when you have guests over on occasion.

The kitchen is where you host, entertain and serve your guests. The bathroom is also a place for the guests to utilize as needed, so to some it’s important that these rooms are presentable and just as fabulous as the rest of the house!

Luxury items in these areas might include stainless steel appliances, over-the-range hood or microwave, farmhouse sink, free standing soaker tub, and of course large tiled showers.

You know, the sparkle and shine!

Note: These wish list items are mostly cosmetic. They may upgrade the look and feel of the rooms, but don’t enhance much in the way of function. Still, cosmetic details are important, so it’s crucial to weigh extra cost of these luxury features with long term affordability of the home.

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Up-Flow Air Vents

Another sought after feature in mobile homes is that of “up flow” air vents, better known as ceiling vents.

The standard in mobile homes is to have vents and ducting installed in the floor. While the idea of floor vents may be foreign to those new to mobile homes, they offer easy access from underneath the home for maintenance and repairs.

But man do they hurt when you stub your toe on one, trust me – been there and done that!

Another drawback with floor vents can be the limitations on furniture placement, and, if you have small children, their tendency to have fun dropping things into the vent (this third issue, however, is one easily remedied with the use of vent screens).

Note: This upgrade is one luxury feature not easily exchangeable later as a homeowner. So, this would have to be decided upon pretty early on.

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So, Should I Buy a Luxury Mobile Home?

The choice between luxury and standard features in a mobile home are essentially a choice on budget. If a luxury mobile home is maxing out your budget, then opting for standard or basic features and upgrading as funds become available is plain good sense.

However, if your budget allows, making a purchase with luxury upgrades already included saves the extra time and logistics of installing upgrades later.

So that’s it: Should I Buy a Luxury Mobile Home? Follow the links in this page to view the homes and their virtual tours. We would love to answer any of your questions on our Facebook page or through our contact form.

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