Diaz Family

We had given up looking for a mobile home. We had gone to three dealerships here in San Antonio and all three of them said they couldn’t help us. They couldn’t help us because our property lot was too small. I gave up looking. My husband comes to me and says, “Hey I found something on Facebook.” I told him, “yeah, you know, whatever.” So, he ended up calling up and talked to Jason. When he spoke to Jason, they came out here and they actually looked at the lot, and said, “we can do it.”

So we went in, filled out the paperwork, and we left there thinking it’s not going to happen.

I think it was Monday or Tuesday morning, Jason calls us and says, “we had gotten approved.”

Everything just started happening for us.

The experience and the overwhelming support of all this was it was unbelievable.

I just thank Braustin that they did come into our lives and I did give them that chance to prove themselves, that they could help us and… we are in our home!

Braustin, thank you for everything. We couldn’t do it without you. But we did. Just a big, heart felt thank you from the Diaz family.

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